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Ignorant Bliss With Dave And Adam And Leah

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Missing from the roster this week is Leah. David returned from his vacation well rested and ready to party!

Something's up with the live streaming, but you can still download or stream from right here!

The diminished gang watched quite a few movies over the past week, the most notable being Frost/Nixon, Vicky Cristina Barcelona, The Wrestler and Slumdog Millionaire.

In an unorthodox approach to getting all of the Most Listened To This Week songs, Adam decided he wouldn't settle for just his and David's. What did he do? He decided to phone Leah and ask her what her most listened to was! Hilarity ensues, oh yes. It does.

Dave's Pick: The Wrestler- Bruce Springsteen
Adam's Pick: Jai Ho- Allah Rakha Rahman
Leah's Pick: Frosty The Snowman- Nat King Cole

From there, David and Adam begin to discuss films. Most particularly, Frost/Nixon and Vicky Cristina Barcelona. Adam hasn't seen either of those films, so it was up to David to explain them in a way that made sense.

After talking at length about these films, Adam and David turned their attention to the oft maligned internet, and decided to check out the inbox! Much to their delight, they discovered they had won vast quantities of cash from not one but two different online European lotteries. Also, the Windows Live Team was keeping in touch.

Moving from one internet to the next, David and Adam stumble upon Joaquin Phoenix rapping, and watch multiple videos and describe them to you, the listener. Is it a hoax? Or is Joaquin the real deal? Only time will tell, was the consensus.

In keeping with the Bollywood theme musically (Adam picked a song from Slumdog Millionaire for his Most Listened To, and they had watched Slumdog Millionaire recently also), in a fit of passion, Adam decided to play a little ditty from the film "Dhaai Akshar Prem Ke", sung by Anuradha Paudwal. The song was called "Mera Mahi Bada Sonha Hai", by the way.

Getting back to reality, David and Adam realize that it is almost time to go. What is there left to do? Two minutes of audio? No... that's already been done... twice... hmm. What could it be? OH! VIDEO OF THE WEEK TIME!

David and Adam watch multiple YouTube clips LIVE on the air! And they tell you exactly how awesome you'll feel when YOU watch them. Check it out!

Remember when David and Adam talk about Trigger Happy TV?
Here's some amazing videos from that show.

Song For The Lovers time! This week's song is provided by the Scottish band Glasvegas, and the song is called "Geraldine"!

You can download this week's episode right here!

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