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Ignorant Bliss With Dave And Adam And Leah

Thursday, December 25, 2008

A Christmassy Bliss!

Hey everyone! We here at Ignorant Bliss would like to extend to you our warmest holiday wishes.

This is what I (Adam) have to say: "It BETTER be a merry Christmas, or else I'll have to start cracking some heads around here..."
Leah says this: "Christmas? I think I read about it during my studies as a fourth year English major. Its alright."
Dave has this wonderful message for all the world's children: "Fuck."

NOTE: All of these were thought up by me. Adam. This of course is my interpretation of their thoughts and feelings on the subject of Christmas. I'm probably right, though.

ANYWAYS. Everyone go to Cullen Live!

Stay tuned to Trent Radio 92.7 FM Thursdays at 1 (PM) or, for Season TWO of Ignorant Bliss with Dave and Adam and Leah.

Season Premiere? THE GHOSTIES!!!!!! BE PREPARED.

And now, a parting gift from Ignorant Bliss: SNOWWWWW


Friday, December 12, 2008

Ignorant Bliss Presents! Cullen Live

Ignorant Bliss Presents! Cullen Live 2009
Showplace Peterborough
January 3rd
$8 or PWYC
Rush Seating (Get there early!)
Starts at 7 PM

Featuring guest artists:
Katherine Barrell
Will Lamond
Jordy Rolfe
Marie-Claude Sarault
Jonathan Tan

Check out some of last year's (Cullen Live 2008) performance!

Check out more here!

Don't forget to bring your camera this year! Or someone who has one...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Episode 12- Nicole Kidman Works But Once A Year

This is the FINAL EPISODE of SEASON ONE OF Ignorant Bliss with Dave and Adam and Leah! You can listen to it right here!

Episode 12- Nicole Kidman Works But Once A Year (NC) - Dave And Adam And Leah

Season two begins January 8th, 2009!

Episode 12 is chock full of goodies. What do Dave and Adam and Leah talk about? All sorts of things!

They talk about their Most Listened To Song Of The Week, for instance:
Adam's Pick: Tombstone- The Midnight Juggernauts
Leah's Pick: Girl On The Wing- The Shins
Dave's Pick: Life On Mars??- David Bowie

Moving swiftly from the Most Listened To, Dave regales Adam and Leah with a tale of a far away land called "Australia", and of its king and queen. It sounds like a wonderful place.

Now the gang goes into uncharted territory. They talk about TELEVISION! Leah talks about the David Duchovny show "Californication", but mainly they talk about their three favourite shows. Someone cheats. Guess who (David).

Dave's favourite television shows: Six Feet Under, Father Ted, Pushing Daisies, AND The Office. AND Extras!

Leah's favourite television shows: The Office, Lost, and Firefly
Adam's favourite television shows: Dexter, The Office, and multiple children's shows, such as Eureka's Castle, Reading Rainbow, Today's Special, and all those other lovely shows.

The Video Of The Week is semi-Christmas themed. Well, its directed by Tim Burton, and he likes snow. So there it is. Also, its an amazing song.

Here's some BONUS Video Of The Week videos!
Todd Vs. Margo
Sled Vs. Hill
Ah, Christmas classics.

Also, Ignorant Bliss will be presenting Cullen Live 2009 on January Third at Showplace Peterborough! Come one come all!

The Song For The Lovers this week is Be My Baby, by Vanessa Paradis.

You can download this week's episode here: Episode 12- Nicole Kidman Works But Once A Year

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Episode 11- Cocktails of Ribaldry

Listen to Episode 11!

You can download this episode at the bottom!
Episode 11 of Ignorant Bliss with Dave and Adam and Leah is missing something. Leah. She's in France, setting things in motion. She'll be back next week with tales of wonder.

This week, Dave and Adam went with a cocktail theme, musically. The music they chose really represented an era when theft was an art.

The Most Listened To This Week was:
Dave's Pick: Mushaboom- Feist
Adam's Pick: Barato Total- Gal Costa
Leah's Pick: Aguas De Marco- Antonio Carlos Jobim

Dave and Adam then spent a large portion of time disussing movies. Adam watched (in no particular order) My Name Is Bruce, A Cross The Universe, and Mulholland Drive. Dave watched (in no particular order) Tropic Thunder: The Director's Cut and Wall-E, not to mention the essential Cable Guy, with Jim Carrey. Leah didn't watch anything. She was busy.

And now it comes to the heist. Dave and Adam detail at length their plans for pulling off the biggest heist in history ever. Lets just say it involves the Louvre. And Spanish buyers. This intricate scheme will be pulled off most cunningly, with nary a hint of a problem. In fact, many of the events in the "Ocean's" movies were inspired by David and Adam's actions. That lady behind the counter won't even see it coming....... what?

Neither David NOR Adam mentioned the Video Of The Week because, well, it goes without saying that this is possibly the funniest video ever:

The Song For The Lovers this week finished the theme of cocktail music in the best way possible, thanks to the Charlie Steinmann Orchestra with "It Is Such A Good Night".

You can download this week's episode here! Episode 11- Cocktails of Ribaldry

Friday, November 28, 2008

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Episode 10- The Gang Goes Commercial

Well hello, everyone!

This episode is CHOCK FULL of goodness. Its got everything! Robert Pattinson(Pattison? Patterson?), Twilight, commercials, music, videos, and MAGIC! Well, not REALLY magic, but still. That would be cool.

David pushes the show along at a blistering pace, with the whole Ignorant Bliss crew sliding face first into their Most Listened To for this week. This week has a theme! "Women with pianos". As you'll remember from last week's episode, David and Adam gave Leah a hard time (again) about always picking music that was pretty much just a girl and her piano. So this week, Adam and David decided THEY would pick some "girl and her piano" music. What did they pick? Read on to find out:

Adam's Pick: If You Were My Man (Demo)- Linda Perhacs (One of those two links is real. You figure it out)
Dave's Pick: Crowd Surf Off A Cliff- Emily Haines
Leah's Pick: Speeding Cars- Imogen Heap

There was no book to review this week! That's right. They've reviewed every book in existence.

When it came time to talk about a movie, the whole gang had something to say. Listen to every word, the subtle nuances and flow of the conversation and see if they liked the movie they saw. What movie did they see? TWILIGHT, of course! Here's the trailer (no bias, of course).

After the heated discussion over the Stephanie Meyers novel, the gang moves right along into territory previously uncovered by them. Music they like. "Well, they've done that!" you cry. But have they talked about music they like from commercials? No. They haven't. Sit back down. That's right. In this episode, David and Adam and Leah talk about their favourite commercials, and their favourite music from commercials.

Easily enough, this week's Video Of The Week came from this frank discussion. Here it is. Mr. Bucket:

Uhh... put your what? Jeez, Dave.

Here are the commercials Adam and Leah talked about:
Leah: Discover New Music
Adam: Urge Music (He said Sirius Satellite Radio. He was wrong.)

Here's the link to those hilarious Halifaxians "Picnicface".
Here's the link to that "Jerk It Out" song. Turns out, it was for the iPod Shuffle. The song's by "The Caesars".
Here's ANOTHER link. Its for the iPod Touch commercial.
Here's a link to something crazy AND Japanese!

The Song For The Lovers THIS week was by Mr. Sebastien Tellier once more. He's the king of love, apparently. The song was called "Pomme".
Here's how he describes it: "This is the song which is most representative of the whole album. I see it as the most erotic as well as the sweetest. The apple is the forbidden fruit. The sun waits until the lovers have finished making love before rising. He doesn't want to disturb them."
... what. a. visionary.

As well as the originally broadcast version being available for download, you can download the "unabridged" version at NO EXTRA COST!!!

Also, there's a special "bonus" episode hosted by Heather 22, which features all of the music that wasn't included in this week's episode!
You can download the Original Episode here!
You can download the Unabridged Episode here!
And you can download the Bonus Heather 22 Special here! Its twenty five extra minutes of Bliss! That's a WHOLE EPISODE of Drew Carey!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Episode 9- Goodbye Solace!

Hello again, true believers!

This week, Dave talks about a movie, Leah talks about a movie, and Adam talks about a movie!

Here's our suggestion for some good readin', though:

Annnnnnnnnyways, here's what the gang listened to the most this week!

Dave's Pick: Love Is New- Brendan Canning
Leah's Pick: Silent Sigh- Badly Drawn Boy
Adam's Pick: Two Minutes To Midnight- Justice

At this point, you're probably saying to yourself "what did Dave talk about?". Well, never fear. He talks about a movie about a little girl who messes things up. Don't know what it is? Its THIS!

... Kidding! Its really Atonement. Some would say the first was better than the other...

Leah talked about a German movie. GERMAN (Unwissende Glücksrichtlinien!((that means "Ignorant Bliss Rules!" in German!!!)! Filmed in Germany! Well, probably.

Nex thing in the show is the in depth discussion of the new James Bond film, "The Quantum Of Solace". It definitely was a hot discussion. Lots of ideas and thoughts passed back and forth like so much words. Absolutely worthy of a listen. By the way. Who would win in a fight? Nicholas Cage? Or John Cusack? James Bond? Or Spider-Man? Batman? Or Spider-Man? These questions and more are answered on this week's show. And it all makes sense!

Also, Dave graces the airwaves with his own version of the theme song for Quantum Of Solace, but it sadly wasn't accepted. Some other two people got to the producers first. Oh well. Next time, Dave. Next time.

Also, the Ignorant Blissers let you, the audience decide if you like the theme for Quantum or not. A lot of people didn't, but a lot of other people did. Its now your turn to take a side.

Here's the one they eventually decided on. Its amazing:

Here's some other ones that they watched, too. 'Cause they watched a lot, they decided that you should, too.
This is a good one.
This one, too.
Annnnnnnd this one.

Alright. Song For The Lovers? You got it!
Take Yo' Praise- Camille Yarborough

HERE'S THE EPISODE: Episode 9- Goodbye Solace

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Episode 8- The One Where Adam Has A Polinidal Sinus

This week, Adam is suspiciously absent from the cast of Ignorant Bliss.

He's away... On business.

Oh well.

Dave and Leah can hold their own, or so they think.

Most Listened To Song Of The Week? Why certainly!

Leah's Pick: Sweet Ones- Sarah Slean
Dave's Pick: Little Person- Jon Brion
Adam's Pick: Third Uncle- Zongamin (No link because he's off the grid)

Dave reviewed a BOOK! A BOOK! DAVE!

He reviewed a book written by an orange!

Leah on the other hand, watched a movie and pretended that it was a book.

They talked about a movie starring Stiffler and Brian Fantana. It was really good! Adam thought it was really cool, too.


Ash fights off some ladies with his powerful aroma.

The song for the lovers this week is: I Feel Electric (TyeDie Remix)- Rubies

Check us out on Facebook!

You can download this week's episode right here! Episode 8- The One Where Adam Has a Pilonidal Sinus!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Episode 7- Dave and Adam and Leah watch a porno

Hey everyone!

This week's episode covers alllllll the bases. Books! Movies! Music! The whole shebang!

Most Listened To This Week? Right here!

Leah's Pick: Gratitude- Eddie Vedder
Dave's Pick: 54 46 Was My Number- Toots And The Maytals
Adam's Pick: Valley Winter Song- Fountains Of Wayne

Leah's Book? Hint. Its about THIS!

Movies Movies MOVIES!

Dave and Adam and Leah saw RockNRolla. Did they like it? You'll have to listen in and find out, won't you?

Dave and Adam watched Zack And Miri Make A Porno. Doesn't that sound like watching them do something as opposed to watching a movie? It most certainly does. Hilarious!

Dave saw Sam Roberts. What did he think of that experience? Listen and find out!

Dave and Adam saw Justice, Busy P, and So Me. Hint: They had a ball.

The Video Of The Week this week is a pretty good one! Its about starting your day right!

You can grab the episode here: Episode 7- Dave and Adam and Leah watch a porno

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Episode 6- LOVE

Hey all. This week's episode is FAAAAAAANTASTIC. Its all about? LOVE.

Most Listened To This Week? Glad you asked!
Leah's Pick: Hometown Glory- Adele
Dave's Pick: Your Ex Lover Is Dead- Stars
Adam's Pick: Oh, Lori- Alessi Brothers

Leah's book review this week is brought to you by Stephanie Meyer, "author" of the popular novel, "Twilight". Its going to be made into a MOVIE! That's a good idea, right? They don't usually do that, do they?

As far as movies go, this week was pretty awesome. The gang watched HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 3: SENIOR YEAR. Well, the gang minus David. He had other stuff to do.

Then the gang starts talking about love. Its pretty cool, no? They talk about their favourite things to do with love. Adam loves music, Leah loves passion, companionship, and romance. David, on the other hand, has a much more complicated answer.

This week is a triple feature!
"Don't Jump On That Slide" by Edward
"Tricycles Are Safe, Right?" by Children Everywhere.
"Don Draper's Guide To Picking Up Women" by Jon Hamm. You can watch Don's lesson right here:

Then, its time for the dramatic conclusion of THE INCREDIBLE TIM! YES!

After which, its time for the song for the lovers (Night Time Intermission by Charlotte Gainsbourg). This is a good one. Trust on this. Trust.

You can download this week's episode (with BONUS ONLINE CONTENT!!!!) here: Episode 6- Love.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Episode 5- No Surf Without The Turf!

Hey everyone! You might've noticed that the West coast wasn't mentioned even ONCE (we checked) in this episode. That's because of an unfortunate error in, well, everything. This episode still ROCKS, though!

They get right into it this week, heading pretty much straight into "Most Listened To This Week" territory, where the theme (at least, with Dave and Adam) was "music that you can't help but smile when you hear". Leah's song was pretty cool, too.

Dave's Pick: "Flood Pt. 1" by The Acorn
Leah's Pick: "He Lays In The Reins" by Iron And Wine
Adam's Pick: "Skatesteak" by Sebastien Tellier, Mr. Oizo, and SebastiAn

The book that Leah talks about this week is called "An Inspector Calls" by J.B. Priestly. Its actually a play! But she read it as a book. So it counts. By the way, Aristotelian means this: "theories and concepts created by the philosopher Aristotle" in this case Aristotle claims that plays should take place in regular time.- Leah

When it comes to movies, Ignorant Bliss's cups runneth over. Dave and Adam saw W., and Leah saw Passchendaele! With her MOM! Listen for their fully in depth review of those amazing (or WERE THEY???) movies!

This week's Video Of The Week is phenomenal. Ricky Gervais, Steve Carell, and that's... actually it. Well, them, and the guys from SNL. Including the KNUCKLE PUCK KID! So check it out:

Hilarious, right?


Here's the episode for download: Episode 5- No Surf Without The Turf

Thursday, October 16, 2008

American Apparel Viva Radio mix - Sebastien Tellier

This is Sebastien Tellier's mix that he made for American Apparel!


1. Sebastien Tellier – L’Amour et La Violence (Boys Noize Main version)

2. Michael Jackson – Rock With You

3. Sebastien Tellier – Roche

4. Justin Timberlake – Cry Me A River

5. Sebastien Tellier – Mauer

6. Babyshambles – Delivery

7. Sebastien Tellier – Look

8. Daft Punk – Veridis Quo

9. Marvin Gaye – Sexual Healing

10. Sebastien Tellier – Kilometer

11. Low Motion Disco – Things Are Gonna Get Easier (Sebastien Tellier Vocal Remix)

Episode 4 Of Ignorant Bliss With Dave And Adam And Leah!

Hello again, everyone! In this episode, a special guest (Heavy D) from mysterious and far off Toronto visits the studio and enlightens Ignorant Bliss (and the world) on many things.

This week's theme (musically) is "Surf And Surf Part 1", where Ignorant Bliss blasts off to the East Coast of Canada to explore music from that region. Next week, the Wild West will be tamed!

The Most Listened To Songs This Week are as follows:

Dave's Pick: Christian Brothers- Elliott Smith
Leah's Pick: Drawing Curtains- Buck 65
Adam's Pick: We Are From Venice (La Serenissima)- The Bloody Beetroots
Heavy D's Pick: Dead And Gone- T.I.

The Book Review for this week was "Fifth Business" by Robertson Davies, and it was quite the read!

The Movie Review for this week was actually a DOUBLE FEATURE! Dave saw both "Body of Lies" and "Religulous", one of which was a spy thriller, and the other a documentary. You decide which is which!

Like earlier, the theme this week is the East Coast, so the music played during this episode was by, well, artist from the East Coast (OK, well, not ALL of the songs)! Sloan, Amelia Curran, The Discounts and Buck 65 (from Leah's Song Of The Week) are all from Eastern Canada! For real! Apologies if the link to The Discounts is wrong!

The Song For The Lovers this week is by Sebastien Tellier, and is called "Roche".
Here's how he describes it:

"I always used to spend my holidays there [Roche]. I always wanted to return, play my music and say to myself "Tonight, I'm king of the night". In this song, the sun is beating down and I'm having really intense fantasies about girls in bikinis. If I wanted to seduce them, I'd play this song which is a European or French twist on the sexual enchantment that you'd associate with American R'n'B."

That's pretty hot.

Here's the Video Of The Week!

You can download this week's episode here: Episode 4- Surf And Surf

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Episode 3 of Ignorant Bliss With Dave And Leah And Adam!

Hello again, everyone! In this the third episode of Ignorant Bliss With Dave And Adam And Leah, they explore farther than they've ever explored before! Also, a bitter rivalry has been sparked that can only end in violence. Or so Nostradamus has predicted.

And, for those listeners who provided Ignorant Bliss with lead ups to their punchline "How do you think I rang the doorbell", one has been selected to be read on air! Have a listen to the hilarious joke!

For example! Leah's first book review! EXCITING! She reviews THIS book!

The Most Listened To Songs This Week were definitely varied in style.

Leah's Pick: The Dance- Charlotte Martin
Dave's Pick: Kids- MGMT
Adam's Pick: Livin' In The Sunlight, Lovin' In The Moonlight- Tiny Tim
(Here's the guy that Adam said looked like Tiny Tim. He really does!)

The movie that was reviewed this week was quite a popular one. It was enjoyed by many, so the story goes. Interested in what they think of it? Then have a listen! You'll find the download of this week's episode at the bottom of this post!

Even though the video of the week wasn't mentioned on the show, it has definitely been discovered, and is ready to be shared to everyone. Check it out here.

The musical theme of this week was Toronto. Music by bands that are/were either based in Toronto or from Toronto were played, such as a song Sebastien Grainger and The Mountains, along with a Metric remix by MSTRKRFT, so that's a two for one right there!

And finally, The Song For The Lovers was a track by another Toronto band who call themselves Broken Social Scene.

Don't forget to vote on what movie we should review this weekend!

Remember to tune in every Thursday afternoon at 1 PM to Trent Radio 92.7 FM. You can also listen to it streamed live online here!

And now you can download today's episode here: Ignorant Bliss Episode 3-Toronto's Infinite Nick And Norah Playlist

By the way? Its Steven Page. Not Steven Tyler.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Episode 2 of Ignorant Bliss with Dave and Adam! And Leah!

That's right, ladies and gentlemen! This week the Dynamic Duo is back. With a THIRD PERSON! This must make them the Tertiary Trio, or something. That's right. Adding to the roster this week is Leah Burnie, a fourth year Trent University student, and twenty first year life student.

After discovering (and discussing) what Leah looks for in movies and music, she drops the bombshell. Books. Adam and David are taken aback at first, but they slowly come to accept the idea. David tips it over the edge back into familiar territory when he brings up the fact that Leah's favourite book is being turned into a film. Turns out, one of David's favourite books (cheat!) is also being turned into a film! Adam's isn't though, funnily enough...

Also this week, the Triteriat Trilogy tackle a brand new segment of the show: "Most listened to this week!" where, funnily enough, they talk about the songs that have been buzzing their iPods and ears all week long.

Adam's Pick: Heartbeats (Alan Braxe Remix)-Annie
Leah's Pick: Angeles- Elliott Smith
David's Pick: Willow Tree- Chad Vangaalen

Moving ruthlessly onto film, they quickly discuss not one, but FOUR movies! One of them involves Eagles. Or do all four? Listen in to find out!

This week we also are introduced to a new segment on the show: "Video Of The Week". Its pretty self explanatory; the best videos on the internet ever are found and shared to all!

This week's video was "Italian Spiderman"! Hope everyone enjoys (We secretly know you will).

The theme this week musically, is Montreal.

We hear some music by Miracle Fortress and our song for the lovers this week is by Chromeo, and they finish the episode 100%.

You can download this week's episode here!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Episode 1 of Ignorant Bliss with Dave and Adam!

In this episode, Dave and Adam discuss the important things in life. Like, for instance, favourite movies, and music. Then, they review a movie. Ghost Town. With both Dave's suggestions and Adam's suggestions for movies that you might want to check out if you liked Ghost Town, you're in for quite the movie watching experience.

After talking (at length) about film, they turn their attention to music. This is where Adam opens up and lets 'er rip, introducing to the world (or maybe just Peterborough) to an amazing mash up artist who goes by the name "Girl Talk".

Plenty more goes on in the episode, so the explosive premiere episode is NOT to be MISSED!
Can you bring your parents to this movie?
Can you think of a lead up to this punchline?
Can you stop listening to the show?

The answers may surprise you.

Ignorant Bliss with Dave and Adam Episode 1- Ghost Town Meets Girl Talk