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Ignorant Bliss With Dave And Adam And Leah

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Episode 6- LOVE

Hey all. This week's episode is FAAAAAAANTASTIC. Its all about? LOVE.

Most Listened To This Week? Glad you asked!
Leah's Pick: Hometown Glory- Adele
Dave's Pick: Your Ex Lover Is Dead- Stars
Adam's Pick: Oh, Lori- Alessi Brothers

Leah's book review this week is brought to you by Stephanie Meyer, "author" of the popular novel, "Twilight". Its going to be made into a MOVIE! That's a good idea, right? They don't usually do that, do they?

As far as movies go, this week was pretty awesome. The gang watched HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 3: SENIOR YEAR. Well, the gang minus David. He had other stuff to do.

Then the gang starts talking about love. Its pretty cool, no? They talk about their favourite things to do with love. Adam loves music, Leah loves passion, companionship, and romance. David, on the other hand, has a much more complicated answer.

This week is a triple feature!
"Don't Jump On That Slide" by Edward
"Tricycles Are Safe, Right?" by Children Everywhere.
"Don Draper's Guide To Picking Up Women" by Jon Hamm. You can watch Don's lesson right here:

Then, its time for the dramatic conclusion of THE INCREDIBLE TIM! YES!

After which, its time for the song for the lovers (Night Time Intermission by Charlotte Gainsbourg). This is a good one. Trust on this. Trust.

You can download this week's episode (with BONUS ONLINE CONTENT!!!!) here: Episode 6- Love.

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