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Ignorant Bliss With Dave And Adam And Leah

Thursday, December 25, 2008

A Christmassy Bliss!

Hey everyone! We here at Ignorant Bliss would like to extend to you our warmest holiday wishes.

This is what I (Adam) have to say: "It BETTER be a merry Christmas, or else I'll have to start cracking some heads around here..."
Leah says this: "Christmas? I think I read about it during my studies as a fourth year English major. Its alright."
Dave has this wonderful message for all the world's children: "Fuck."

NOTE: All of these were thought up by me. Adam. This of course is my interpretation of their thoughts and feelings on the subject of Christmas. I'm probably right, though.

ANYWAYS. Everyone go to Cullen Live!

Stay tuned to Trent Radio 92.7 FM Thursdays at 1 (PM) or, for Season TWO of Ignorant Bliss with Dave and Adam and Leah.

Season Premiere? THE GHOSTIES!!!!!! BE PREPARED.

And now, a parting gift from Ignorant Bliss: SNOWWWWW


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