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Ignorant Bliss With Dave And Adam And Leah

Thursday, December 25, 2008

A Christmassy Bliss!

Hey everyone! We here at Ignorant Bliss would like to extend to you our warmest holiday wishes.

This is what I (Adam) have to say: "It BETTER be a merry Christmas, or else I'll have to start cracking some heads around here..."
Leah says this: "Christmas? I think I read about it during my studies as a fourth year English major. Its alright."
Dave has this wonderful message for all the world's children: "Fuck."

NOTE: All of these were thought up by me. Adam. This of course is my interpretation of their thoughts and feelings on the subject of Christmas. I'm probably right, though.

ANYWAYS. Everyone go to Cullen Live!

Stay tuned to Trent Radio 92.7 FM Thursdays at 1 (PM) or, for Season TWO of Ignorant Bliss with Dave and Adam and Leah.

Season Premiere? THE GHOSTIES!!!!!! BE PREPARED.

And now, a parting gift from Ignorant Bliss: SNOWWWWW


Friday, December 12, 2008

Ignorant Bliss Presents! Cullen Live

Ignorant Bliss Presents! Cullen Live 2009
Showplace Peterborough
January 3rd
$8 or PWYC
Rush Seating (Get there early!)
Starts at 7 PM

Featuring guest artists:
Katherine Barrell
Will Lamond
Jordy Rolfe
Marie-Claude Sarault
Jonathan Tan

Check out some of last year's (Cullen Live 2008) performance!

Check out more here!

Don't forget to bring your camera this year! Or someone who has one...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Episode 12- Nicole Kidman Works But Once A Year

This is the FINAL EPISODE of SEASON ONE OF Ignorant Bliss with Dave and Adam and Leah! You can listen to it right here!

Episode 12- Nicole Kidman Works But Once A Year (NC) - Dave And Adam And Leah

Season two begins January 8th, 2009!

Episode 12 is chock full of goodies. What do Dave and Adam and Leah talk about? All sorts of things!

They talk about their Most Listened To Song Of The Week, for instance:
Adam's Pick: Tombstone- The Midnight Juggernauts
Leah's Pick: Girl On The Wing- The Shins
Dave's Pick: Life On Mars??- David Bowie

Moving swiftly from the Most Listened To, Dave regales Adam and Leah with a tale of a far away land called "Australia", and of its king and queen. It sounds like a wonderful place.

Now the gang goes into uncharted territory. They talk about TELEVISION! Leah talks about the David Duchovny show "Californication", but mainly they talk about their three favourite shows. Someone cheats. Guess who (David).

Dave's favourite television shows: Six Feet Under, Father Ted, Pushing Daisies, AND The Office. AND Extras!

Leah's favourite television shows: The Office, Lost, and Firefly
Adam's favourite television shows: Dexter, The Office, and multiple children's shows, such as Eureka's Castle, Reading Rainbow, Today's Special, and all those other lovely shows.

The Video Of The Week is semi-Christmas themed. Well, its directed by Tim Burton, and he likes snow. So there it is. Also, its an amazing song.

Here's some BONUS Video Of The Week videos!
Todd Vs. Margo
Sled Vs. Hill
Ah, Christmas classics.

Also, Ignorant Bliss will be presenting Cullen Live 2009 on January Third at Showplace Peterborough! Come one come all!

The Song For The Lovers this week is Be My Baby, by Vanessa Paradis.

You can download this week's episode here: Episode 12- Nicole Kidman Works But Once A Year

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Episode 11- Cocktails of Ribaldry

Listen to Episode 11!

You can download this episode at the bottom!
Episode 11 of Ignorant Bliss with Dave and Adam and Leah is missing something. Leah. She's in France, setting things in motion. She'll be back next week with tales of wonder.

This week, Dave and Adam went with a cocktail theme, musically. The music they chose really represented an era when theft was an art.

The Most Listened To This Week was:
Dave's Pick: Mushaboom- Feist
Adam's Pick: Barato Total- Gal Costa
Leah's Pick: Aguas De Marco- Antonio Carlos Jobim

Dave and Adam then spent a large portion of time disussing movies. Adam watched (in no particular order) My Name Is Bruce, A Cross The Universe, and Mulholland Drive. Dave watched (in no particular order) Tropic Thunder: The Director's Cut and Wall-E, not to mention the essential Cable Guy, with Jim Carrey. Leah didn't watch anything. She was busy.

And now it comes to the heist. Dave and Adam detail at length their plans for pulling off the biggest heist in history ever. Lets just say it involves the Louvre. And Spanish buyers. This intricate scheme will be pulled off most cunningly, with nary a hint of a problem. In fact, many of the events in the "Ocean's" movies were inspired by David and Adam's actions. That lady behind the counter won't even see it coming....... what?

Neither David NOR Adam mentioned the Video Of The Week because, well, it goes without saying that this is possibly the funniest video ever:

The Song For The Lovers this week finished the theme of cocktail music in the best way possible, thanks to the Charlie Steinmann Orchestra with "It Is Such A Good Night".

You can download this week's episode here! Episode 11- Cocktails of Ribaldry