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Ignorant Bliss With Dave And Adam And Leah

Friday, November 28, 2008

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Episode 10- The Gang Goes Commercial

Well hello, everyone!

This episode is CHOCK FULL of goodness. Its got everything! Robert Pattinson(Pattison? Patterson?), Twilight, commercials, music, videos, and MAGIC! Well, not REALLY magic, but still. That would be cool.

David pushes the show along at a blistering pace, with the whole Ignorant Bliss crew sliding face first into their Most Listened To for this week. This week has a theme! "Women with pianos". As you'll remember from last week's episode, David and Adam gave Leah a hard time (again) about always picking music that was pretty much just a girl and her piano. So this week, Adam and David decided THEY would pick some "girl and her piano" music. What did they pick? Read on to find out:

Adam's Pick: If You Were My Man (Demo)- Linda Perhacs (One of those two links is real. You figure it out)
Dave's Pick: Crowd Surf Off A Cliff- Emily Haines
Leah's Pick: Speeding Cars- Imogen Heap

There was no book to review this week! That's right. They've reviewed every book in existence.

When it came time to talk about a movie, the whole gang had something to say. Listen to every word, the subtle nuances and flow of the conversation and see if they liked the movie they saw. What movie did they see? TWILIGHT, of course! Here's the trailer (no bias, of course).

After the heated discussion over the Stephanie Meyers novel, the gang moves right along into territory previously uncovered by them. Music they like. "Well, they've done that!" you cry. But have they talked about music they like from commercials? No. They haven't. Sit back down. That's right. In this episode, David and Adam and Leah talk about their favourite commercials, and their favourite music from commercials.

Easily enough, this week's Video Of The Week came from this frank discussion. Here it is. Mr. Bucket:

Uhh... put your what? Jeez, Dave.

Here are the commercials Adam and Leah talked about:
Leah: Discover New Music
Adam: Urge Music (He said Sirius Satellite Radio. He was wrong.)

Here's the link to those hilarious Halifaxians "Picnicface".
Here's the link to that "Jerk It Out" song. Turns out, it was for the iPod Shuffle. The song's by "The Caesars".
Here's ANOTHER link. Its for the iPod Touch commercial.
Here's a link to something crazy AND Japanese!

The Song For The Lovers THIS week was by Mr. Sebastien Tellier once more. He's the king of love, apparently. The song was called "Pomme".
Here's how he describes it: "This is the song which is most representative of the whole album. I see it as the most erotic as well as the sweetest. The apple is the forbidden fruit. The sun waits until the lovers have finished making love before rising. He doesn't want to disturb them."
... what. a. visionary.

As well as the originally broadcast version being available for download, you can download the "unabridged" version at NO EXTRA COST!!!

Also, there's a special "bonus" episode hosted by Heather 22, which features all of the music that wasn't included in this week's episode!
You can download the Original Episode here!
You can download the Unabridged Episode here!
And you can download the Bonus Heather 22 Special here! Its twenty five extra minutes of Bliss! That's a WHOLE EPISODE of Drew Carey!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Episode 9- Goodbye Solace!

Hello again, true believers!

This week, Dave talks about a movie, Leah talks about a movie, and Adam talks about a movie!

Here's our suggestion for some good readin', though:

Annnnnnnnnyways, here's what the gang listened to the most this week!

Dave's Pick: Love Is New- Brendan Canning
Leah's Pick: Silent Sigh- Badly Drawn Boy
Adam's Pick: Two Minutes To Midnight- Justice

At this point, you're probably saying to yourself "what did Dave talk about?". Well, never fear. He talks about a movie about a little girl who messes things up. Don't know what it is? Its THIS!

... Kidding! Its really Atonement. Some would say the first was better than the other...

Leah talked about a German movie. GERMAN (Unwissende Glücksrichtlinien!((that means "Ignorant Bliss Rules!" in German!!!)! Filmed in Germany! Well, probably.

Nex thing in the show is the in depth discussion of the new James Bond film, "The Quantum Of Solace". It definitely was a hot discussion. Lots of ideas and thoughts passed back and forth like so much words. Absolutely worthy of a listen. By the way. Who would win in a fight? Nicholas Cage? Or John Cusack? James Bond? Or Spider-Man? Batman? Or Spider-Man? These questions and more are answered on this week's show. And it all makes sense!

Also, Dave graces the airwaves with his own version of the theme song for Quantum Of Solace, but it sadly wasn't accepted. Some other two people got to the producers first. Oh well. Next time, Dave. Next time.

Also, the Ignorant Blissers let you, the audience decide if you like the theme for Quantum or not. A lot of people didn't, but a lot of other people did. Its now your turn to take a side.

Here's the one they eventually decided on. Its amazing:

Here's some other ones that they watched, too. 'Cause they watched a lot, they decided that you should, too.
This is a good one.
This one, too.
Annnnnnnd this one.

Alright. Song For The Lovers? You got it!
Take Yo' Praise- Camille Yarborough

HERE'S THE EPISODE: Episode 9- Goodbye Solace

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Episode 8- The One Where Adam Has A Polinidal Sinus

This week, Adam is suspiciously absent from the cast of Ignorant Bliss.

He's away... On business.

Oh well.

Dave and Leah can hold their own, or so they think.

Most Listened To Song Of The Week? Why certainly!

Leah's Pick: Sweet Ones- Sarah Slean
Dave's Pick: Little Person- Jon Brion
Adam's Pick: Third Uncle- Zongamin (No link because he's off the grid)

Dave reviewed a BOOK! A BOOK! DAVE!

He reviewed a book written by an orange!

Leah on the other hand, watched a movie and pretended that it was a book.

They talked about a movie starring Stiffler and Brian Fantana. It was really good! Adam thought it was really cool, too.


Ash fights off some ladies with his powerful aroma.

The song for the lovers this week is: I Feel Electric (TyeDie Remix)- Rubies

Check us out on Facebook!

You can download this week's episode right here! Episode 8- The One Where Adam Has a Pilonidal Sinus!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Episode 7- Dave and Adam and Leah watch a porno

Hey everyone!

This week's episode covers alllllll the bases. Books! Movies! Music! The whole shebang!

Most Listened To This Week? Right here!

Leah's Pick: Gratitude- Eddie Vedder
Dave's Pick: 54 46 Was My Number- Toots And The Maytals
Adam's Pick: Valley Winter Song- Fountains Of Wayne

Leah's Book? Hint. Its about THIS!

Movies Movies MOVIES!

Dave and Adam and Leah saw RockNRolla. Did they like it? You'll have to listen in and find out, won't you?

Dave and Adam watched Zack And Miri Make A Porno. Doesn't that sound like watching them do something as opposed to watching a movie? It most certainly does. Hilarious!

Dave saw Sam Roberts. What did he think of that experience? Listen and find out!

Dave and Adam saw Justice, Busy P, and So Me. Hint: They had a ball.

The Video Of The Week this week is a pretty good one! Its about starting your day right!

You can grab the episode here: Episode 7- Dave and Adam and Leah watch a porno